Max had the stomach flu. Can we say FUN !! It started last
weekend and continued untill Wednesday. I felt so bad for him.
He was so miserable and there was nothing that we could really
do for him. He is finally back to his crazy, wild, full of it, make me
want to scream self. It is great! Somedays I don't know if I am
going to make it till 6 when Dallas gets home.

a walk in the park. I don't remember Max having any problems
with shots, however, Ava was ticked off from the first little poke.
She went bright red and started to hold her breath. Man, I wish
he would get over holding her breath. Sometimes she really scares
me. She had a fever for a few days, didn't sleep well, and was unusually
fussy. Needless to say, she was not her usual happy, smiley self this
Thankfully both my babies are feeling better and we are all getting
back to our usual routine.


I came into my bedroom and found Max and Ava kicked back enjoying some cartoons. I just thought it was super cute. I hope they can always treat each other with love and respect and enjoy playing together. Well, we can always hope.. :)
I'm sorry both of them were sick. That would not be a fun week. They look so cute watching movies together. You seriously have beautiful kids!
What luck! There is not much worse than sick kiddos. Good thing it passes. It was fun to see the other day We are planning on being there for Ava's big day!
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