Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
When We Got Married
so excited. He said, " Oh, mom that is when we got married. It was so fun." I asked him about his dad and he told me that his dad came but he was just a little boy and he was sorry
but Ava didn't come because we didn't have her yet.
He was so excited he could not wait to tell his dad, so as soon as Dallas walked through the door Max went running to get him so he could show him when he and his mom got married.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My Max is soooo full of it and comes up with
some of the funniest things. Here is the conversation
that took place while I am trying to feed Ava and
get Max down for a nap.
Max: Mom why are you so mean to me?
Mom: What and I doing that is mean?
Max: I need to be healthy and to be healthy
I need to watch cartoons and it is really hard
Mom: Max lay down and go to sleep.
Man I love that little boy, but where does he come up
with these things.?
some of the funniest things. Here is the conversation
that took place while I am trying to feed Ava and
get Max down for a nap.
Max: Mom why are you so mean to me?
Mom: What and I doing that is mean?
Max: I need to be healthy and to be healthy
I need to watch cartoons and it is really hard
Mom: Max lay down and go to sleep.
Man I love that little boy, but where does he come up
with these things.?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Name and a Blessing
Today we blessed our beautiful baby girl, and

what a beautiful day it was. It was full of a lot
of fun and laughter. It is always so wonderful
to get together with family and friends.
I am so thankful for all of my family that was
able to make it up to the blessing, some with
travel time at 2 hours up and 2 hours back
home, and with church being at 9 am they
had to leave pretty early. I am thankful for the
great examples that I have had in my life and
all the GREAT teachers that I have had along
the way, and I know that I have many, many
more lessons to learn along the way. I want
my dad to know how much it means to us for
him to have been able to bless our precious
daughter. It was a beautiful blessing that was
given to our baby. We love and appreciate all that
he and my mom do for us. They have been great
teachers along the way. Thanks everyone for
coming over to the house after and enjoying each others
company. It is not often that we all get together,
but when we do it is great to sit back and reminisce
about all they great times that we have had along
the way. Thank you everyone for all of you Love
and Support, because when all else fails to work out
they way you want or envision you have your
family to help pick you up and dust you off and tell
you that it is all okay. Then you just hope that it was
once again a great learning experience.
My cousin Becky took these picture and put
this together.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Fun Night Out
The other night I decided to meet dad down
at Gardener Village and let Max run around
and see the witches, pumpkins, and
Halloween decorations.
He thought it was great and did not want to
leave, even though it was dark and cold by the
time we finally got him in the car. He had a lot of
fun just running around, he especially loved the
witch that was hool-a-hooping (spelling?). Although
he would not let us take his picture by a witch. He also
loved to watch the ducks swim around. It is
always to fun to watch him when he is truly interested
in what we are doing and talking about. When he
is having fun and enjoying himself. He kept asking how the
witches worked and wanted to know if we
could make one at home. I love how he is so
eager to learn and such a sponge. I am always amazed
at how he just soaks up everything that is going on
around him and then he will bring it up again months
later. Sometimes I don't even remember what he is
talking about.
We had a great time just being together and watching
Max. Max tells us he can't wait till we go and
do some more Halloween stuff. Anyone have any fun
places to take a 3 year old??

at Gardener Village and let Max run around
and see the witches, pumpkins, and
Halloween decorations.
He thought it was great and did not want to
leave, even though it was dark and cold by the
time we finally got him in the car. He had a lot of
fun just running around, he especially loved the
witch that was hool-a-hooping (spelling?). Although
he would not let us take his picture by a witch. He also
loved to watch the ducks swim around. It is
always to fun to watch him when he is truly interested
in what we are doing and talking about. When he
is having fun and enjoying himself. He kept asking how the
witches worked and wanted to know if we
could make one at home. I love how he is so
eager to learn and such a sponge. I am always amazed
at how he just soaks up everything that is going on
around him and then he will bring it up again months
later. Sometimes I don't even remember what he is
talking about.
We had a great time just being together and watching
Max. Max tells us he can't wait till we go and
do some more Halloween stuff. Anyone have any fun
places to take a 3 year old??

Silly Dad
Last night we ran down to Sam's Club to grab a
few things, then stopped and got some gas. As
we were leaving Dallas hit the curb. I start laughing
and in the back Max is wondering what happened.
Max: Dad what was that?
Dad: I just hit the curb.
Max: No, dad I think the tire fell off.
Max was so sure that the tire had fallen off that when
we got home he had to walk around the car and
check on all the tires. After checking all
the tires he looks at Dallas and
says, "Well I guess the tire didn't fall off, you just
hit the curb. Silly Dad."
few things, then stopped and got some gas. As
we were leaving Dallas hit the curb. I start laughing
and in the back Max is wondering what happened.
Max: Dad what was that?
Dad: I just hit the curb.
Max: No, dad I think the tire fell off.
Max was so sure that the tire had fallen off that when
we got home he had to walk around the car and
check on all the tires. After checking all
the tires he looks at Dallas and
says, "Well I guess the tire didn't fall off, you just
hit the curb. Silly Dad."
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Early Mornings!
I love to get up and shuffle around my house early in the
morning before anyone else is up and going. It is great to
have a little bit of just alone time. I love to sit down and
read, catch up on my blog, start getting breakfast ready
for Dallas and Max, or just be. However, I really love it
when Ava wakes up at about 5 am and I can just sit back
and admire this perfect little creation. I love the peace and
quite of not being rushed to hurry and feed her and move
on to the next thing. I can just snuggle and kiss her. I am
always amazed when I sit back and watch my children.
I am truly very blessed and they are gifts from our
Heavenly Father and I thank him everyday for them.
I can't imagine my life without them. I am trying to be
more patient and not let the SMALL stuff get to me, but
sometimes in the moment the small stuff seem not
so small. I want to say "THANK YOU" to all the great
and wonderful moms that I have had in my life. Thank
you for being teachers even when you did not know
that you were being watched. Thank you for listening and
giving advic (even if I didn't want it).
Aunt Mary, if you are reading this thank you for letting
me tag along with your family, and thank you Marcie, Kari,
and Becky for letting me come along and loving me. You are
all great examples and I admire you all. There are so
many other women that have helped me along the way and
if you ever happen to stumble upon my blog Thank You
and I am sorry that you are not memtioned by name.
Maybe in another post. I Love You all.
Well this is not where I had intended this to go, but it
is what it is and Thanks again to all that have taught
and Loved me along the way.
morning before anyone else is up and going. It is great to
have a little bit of just alone time. I love to sit down and
read, catch up on my blog, start getting breakfast ready
for Dallas and Max, or just be. However, I really love it
when Ava wakes up at about 5 am and I can just sit back
and admire this perfect little creation. I love the peace and
quite of not being rushed to hurry and feed her and move
on to the next thing. I can just snuggle and kiss her. I am
always amazed when I sit back and watch my children.
I am truly very blessed and they are gifts from our
Heavenly Father and I thank him everyday for them.
I can't imagine my life without them. I am trying to be
more patient and not let the SMALL stuff get to me, but
sometimes in the moment the small stuff seem not
so small. I want to say "THANK YOU" to all the great
and wonderful moms that I have had in my life. Thank
you for being teachers even when you did not know
that you were being watched. Thank you for listening and
giving advic (even if I didn't want it).
Aunt Mary, if you are reading this thank you for letting
me tag along with your family, and thank you Marcie, Kari,
and Becky for letting me come along and loving me. You are
all great examples and I admire you all. There are so
many other women that have helped me along the way and
if you ever happen to stumble upon my blog Thank You
and I am sorry that you are not memtioned by name.
Maybe in another post. I Love You all.
Well this is not where I had intended this to go, but it
is what it is and Thanks again to all that have taught
and Loved me along the way.
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Boys
Saturday I came out of my bedroom and found the two boys in my life relaxing and enjoying a little tv time together. I just had to snap a few pictures. I sure do love those two. I found out later that Max had gotten his pillows and some blankets and he had them all spread out and ready for daddy. He then went and got daddy to come and watch some tv with him. He was so excited to have daddy all to himself and he was so proud of the little resting area he had set up.
Daddy takes a little snooze while Max thinks about it.?!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sick Babies !!
Well we are finally on the mend. At the beginging of this week
Ava got her first set of shots on Monday the 29th. It was not


Max had the stomach flu. Can we say FUN !! It started last
weekend and continued untill Wednesday. I felt so bad for him.
He was so miserable and there was nothing that we could really
do for him. He is finally back to his crazy, wild, full of it, make me
want to scream self. It is great! Somedays I don't know if I am
going to make it till 6 when Dallas gets home.

a walk in the park. I don't remember Max having any problems
with shots, however, Ava was ticked off from the first little poke.
She went bright red and started to hold her breath. Man, I wish
he would get over holding her breath. Sometimes she really scares
me. She had a fever for a few days, didn't sleep well, and was unusually
fussy. Needless to say, she was not her usual happy, smiley self this
Thankfully both my babies are feeling better and we are all getting
back to our usual routine.


I came into my bedroom and found Max and Ava kicked back enjoying some cartoons. I just thought it was super cute. I hope they can always treat each other with love and respect and enjoy playing together. Well, we can always hope.. :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Max is 3 !!!
Last Saturday, August 23 we celebrated Max's 3rd birthday. I cannot believe 3 years have passed and my baby boy is no longer a baby. Yeah, he has not been a baby for quite some time, but I still think of him as my baby boy. He is such a great joy to have around and always keeping things lively, says some of the darnedest things, and occasionally repeats something that I really wish he had not.
This year Max wanted to have a Thomas the Train birthday and then he wanted a baseball birthday, and then he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday. After a couple weeks of he finally settled on Thomas the Train. I broke down and bought a birthday cake this year instead of making it. I hope that in years to come I will do better and make the cake myself.
Max was so excited to have all of his family come over and have a party, the presents for his birthday were just an added bonus. He wanted to have BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, so that is what we had. We added in some chips, salads, watermelon, and the fixings for the burgers and hot dogs. I could have gone for something a little more healthy, but he loved it.
When we got to opening presents Max was so excited and so polite. He would open a present and then tell whoever gave it to him "Thank You Guys". It was so cute. I was a little worried that he would not share and he would be a little of a stinker, but he was just the opposite, he let all the other kids play with his toys and he shared so well. I wondered what had happened to my Max. My little spit fire, everything is mine, don't touch, don't look, leave it to me Max, but he was very willing to share and play with the other kids. It was great.
It was great to have all our immediate family and a few not quiet immediate family come and celebrate this wonderful day with us. Thank You all for you continued love and support. We love you all and can't wait till next year to do it all again (if we are still in the great state of Utah) if not till next time.
(Pictures to come)
Last Saturday, August 23 we celebrated Max's 3rd birthday. I cannot believe 3 years have passed and my baby boy is no longer a baby. Yeah, he has not been a baby for quite some time, but I still think of him as my baby boy. He is such a great joy to have around and always keeping things lively, says some of the darnedest things, and occasionally repeats something that I really wish he had not.
This year Max wanted to have a Thomas the Train birthday and then he wanted a baseball birthday, and then he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday. After a couple weeks of he finally settled on Thomas the Train. I broke down and bought a birthday cake this year instead of making it. I hope that in years to come I will do better and make the cake myself.
Max was so excited to have all of his family come over and have a party, the presents for his birthday were just an added bonus. He wanted to have BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, so that is what we had. We added in some chips, salads, watermelon, and the fixings for the burgers and hot dogs. I could have gone for something a little more healthy, but he loved it.
When we got to opening presents Max was so excited and so polite. He would open a present and then tell whoever gave it to him "Thank You Guys". It was so cute. I was a little worried that he would not share and he would be a little of a stinker, but he was just the opposite, he let all the other kids play with his toys and he shared so well. I wondered what had happened to my Max. My little spit fire, everything is mine, don't touch, don't look, leave it to me Max, but he was very willing to share and play with the other kids. It was great.
It was great to have all our immediate family and a few not quiet immediate family come and celebrate this wonderful day with us. Thank You all for you continued love and support. We love you all and can't wait till next year to do it all again (if we are still in the great state of Utah) if not till next time.
(Pictures to come)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Time flies by!
Where has the time gone. I can't believe that Ava is already 3 1/2 weeks old, and Dallas had to go back to work on Monday. Also, on August 10th Dallas and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. It is really hard to believe that it has been 6 years. Six great and amazing years. I can't imagine them being any better. We have done and accomplished many thing in the last 6 years. We have also done a few crazy and not so smart things but we won't talk about them.
The last 6 years have been great. We have two amazing children and life is great.
Life has been flying by since we had Max. I can't believe that he is almost 3 years old. Now that we have Ava time seems to be going by even faster. I had my mom here for the first week after we got home from the hospital and it was great. We did not want her to go home and Max still asks when Me Maw is going to come and stay with us again. We would have kept her here forever if it was possible. Dallas was home for the next two weeks and I thought that we would be able to get some stuff done and relax the rest of the time. We we got a couple things done around the house and yard, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. We did some yard work and that alone took a day and then some. Sometimes I wonder what we were thinking when we wanted such a yard, but now we just deal with it and sometimes rope others into coming up and helping when the weeds get out of control. We did a lot of relaxing and had some fun also. We went swimming a few times, and Max had a great time and asks when we are going again. I think that he would live in the water if we would let him. We went to Thanksgiving Point and visited the Dinosaur Museum and the Barnyard. It was great fun. Max had a great time and wants to go back.
Now Dallas has been back to work for almost a week and we all miss him at home. Everyone said that within a week we would be sick of each other and ready for him to go back to work. Nope, I wish he could stay home all the time. It is great just spending time together and enjoying each other. It was great for all of us, but we have to go back to reality and go on with life.
On Sunday, August 10th we went to Fayette and visited with my family, it was great. Max had an awsome time playing with Mee Maw, grandpa and grandma Mellor. He loves to go and play, ride the 4-wheeler and just hanging out. It is always great to have Mee Maw kiss and mug on the kids. We went over and visited my best friend Stephanie and her kids. Max and Riley went swimming and just had a great time running around and playing. They always have a great time when they get together and play. It is always great to visit and get caught up on all the gossip going around the great Gunnison Valley. Now I just hope that it is not too long before we get back down to visit and hang out.
Thurday, August 14th my cousin Kari got married. It was a beautiful day with a beautiful bride. We went to the luncheon and later that night the reception. It was great to see family we don't get to see all that often and catch up on what is going on in their lives. It was an all around great day.
I took Ava to the doctor on Monday, August 18th and she is growing like crazy. She weighs 7 lbs 12 oz, 20 1/2 inches long and her head is 36 cm. She is growing and changing every day. I can't believe how fast time is going by and how much she has grown and changed already. She has been a great addition to our family. We all love her and the joy that she has brough to our lives in just the few short weeks that we have had her.
The last 6 years have been great. We have two amazing children and life is great.
Life has been flying by since we had Max. I can't believe that he is almost 3 years old. Now that we have Ava time seems to be going by even faster. I had my mom here for the first week after we got home from the hospital and it was great. We did not want her to go home and Max still asks when Me Maw is going to come and stay with us again. We would have kept her here forever if it was possible. Dallas was home for the next two weeks and I thought that we would be able to get some stuff done and relax the rest of the time. We we got a couple things done around the house and yard, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. We did some yard work and that alone took a day and then some. Sometimes I wonder what we were thinking when we wanted such a yard, but now we just deal with it and sometimes rope others into coming up and helping when the weeds get out of control. We did a lot of relaxing and had some fun also. We went swimming a few times, and Max had a great time and asks when we are going again. I think that he would live in the water if we would let him. We went to Thanksgiving Point and visited the Dinosaur Museum and the Barnyard. It was great fun. Max had a great time and wants to go back.
Now Dallas has been back to work for almost a week and we all miss him at home. Everyone said that within a week we would be sick of each other and ready for him to go back to work. Nope, I wish he could stay home all the time. It is great just spending time together and enjoying each other. It was great for all of us, but we have to go back to reality and go on with life.
On Sunday, August 10th we went to Fayette and visited with my family, it was great. Max had an awsome time playing with Mee Maw, grandpa and grandma Mellor. He loves to go and play, ride the 4-wheeler and just hanging out. It is always great to have Mee Maw kiss and mug on the kids. We went over and visited my best friend Stephanie and her kids. Max and Riley went swimming and just had a great time running around and playing. They always have a great time when they get together and play. It is always great to visit and get caught up on all the gossip going around the great Gunnison Valley. Now I just hope that it is not too long before we get back down to visit and hang out.
Thurday, August 14th my cousin Kari got married. It was a beautiful day with a beautiful bride. We went to the luncheon and later that night the reception. It was great to see family we don't get to see all that often and catch up on what is going on in their lives. It was an all around great day.
I took Ava to the doctor on Monday, August 18th and she is growing like crazy. She weighs 7 lbs 12 oz, 20 1/2 inches long and her head is 36 cm. She is growing and changing every day. I can't believe how fast time is going by and how much she has grown and changed already. She has been a great addition to our family. We all love her and the joy that she has brough to our lives in just the few short weeks that we have had her.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
She has finally arrived !!
Well, after much waiting and many trips to the doctor our beautiful
baby girl has arrived.She made her grand entrance on July 25, 2008
at 7:05 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19.5 inches long.
Only minutes old.

It is so great to finally have her here safe and sound. Max has been so good and helpful. He was so excited to come and seeher at the hospital. He told Dallas and I that we could stay at thehospital but he was going to take her home with he and grandma. He was more excited to see the baby than Dallas and I. After much deliberation between the beautiful names Emma and Ava we finally settled on Ava. I am so blessed to have two beautiful children and a very loving husband.
Max looking through nursery window.
One proud big brother! Daddy and his princess.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Here we are again.
Well, I went to the Dr. on Wednesday and still

no good news. I am still hugely pregnant.
Needless to say I was a little dissappointed, but
a little dissappointment every now and then is
good i suppose. Atleast that is what I keep telling
myself. I also keep thinking that as long as I am
pregnant I can keep eating whatever I want, and I
know that that is a bad attitude to have but who cares.
Maybe next week will be the week or anytime between
now and my next dr. appointment. I will keep you posted.

We buzzed Max's hair the other night and Dallas got it a
little shorter than I expected and was quite shocked. I
told Dallas that he looks so much older and grown up.
I can't believe that it has been almost 3 years. Where has the time
I was talking to Dallas the other day and I can't believe that
it has been 2 years since we moved from small town Utah to
the BIG city. They have been two great years. I think it
was the best thing that we could have done and I am so
glad that we did. It was hard at the time but so worth it.
Monday, July 14, 2008
July 4th and other Ramblings
Well, it has been a few weeks since I started this blog and
it looks like I am already very behind. I need to try to stay on
top of this and be a little more diligent about keeping my
friends and family up on all the fun and exciting things that
Max is doing.
Riley, Whitley, and Max
On the 4th of July we headed to Fayette to spend the day
with grandma and grandpa and the rest of the family. We
went to Gunnison to the parade and then up to the park to
see all the happenings that were going on there. Stephanie
and her two cuties, Ryley and Whitley, sat through the parade
and then went to the park with us. Max and Ryley had a blast.
The only thing that they were worried about was getting to
ride the train. So, they rode the train and rode the train and
rode the train. We were beginning to wonder if we would ever
run out of tickets to ride the train, but by the last ride the
boys were ready to be done it was getting hot and we were
all ready to call it good.
Max was a little upset about they train, it was actually a tractor
that pulled a bunch of little wagon type cars. He said to Dallas and
I " I like the train at they zoo a lot better. This is not a train it is a
tractor." He is always saying some of the cutest things and commenting
about off the wall observations.
And they are OFF!!
it looks like I am already very behind. I need to try to stay on
top of this and be a little more diligent about keeping my
friends and family up on all the fun and exciting things that
Max is doing.

On the 4th of July we headed to Fayette to spend the day
with grandma and grandpa and the rest of the family. We
went to Gunnison to the parade and then up to the park to
see all the happenings that were going on there. Stephanie
and her two cuties, Ryley and Whitley, sat through the parade
and then went to the park with us. Max and Ryley had a blast.
The only thing that they were worried about was getting to
ride the train. So, they rode the train and rode the train and
rode the train. We were beginning to wonder if we would ever
run out of tickets to ride the train, but by the last ride the
boys were ready to be done it was getting hot and we were
all ready to call it good.
Max was a little upset about they train, it was actually a tractor
that pulled a bunch of little wagon type cars. He said to Dallas and
I " I like the train at they zoo a lot better. This is not a train it is a
tractor." He is always saying some of the cutest things and commenting
about off the wall observations.
The Anticipation!!

After the park we went back over to grandmas and grandpas and had
BBQ turkey and lots of yummy salads ( the best part about summer the BBQ
and salads). Then they boys played and the rest of us just sat around
and talked and talked, before I knew it, it was 7:00. I could not believe
where the day had gone. It was great to sit and catch up with mom, grandma,
Stephanie, and dad. It was a great day with not a wasted moment. I can't
wait till next year!!
Since the 4th it seems like time is just flying by. I have been to the doctor a
couple of times and I can't believe that we could have the baby any day now.
I am beyond ready and extremely excited. We can't wait. Every day I think that
I can't get any bigger, but I feel like I just keep growing and growing. We are so
excited to see if we will be welcoming another little boy or a little girl. I don't know if
I will be able to go through another pregnancy without finding out. It has been fun and
the excitement is great, but I am ready to know what this little bundle of joy is going
to be. The other day Max was laying by me and he popped up and started to rub
my belly and said,"Mom, what are we going to name the little boy?" The whole
time that he has known we were going to have a baby he has said that it is a little
girl, so needless to say I was a little shocked at this. I said to him,"what little boy?"
he continues to rub my belly and says, "the little boy up here, this baby down by
your belly button is Emma, but what are we going to name the little boy?" I was
a little nervous at this point. Since I got pregnant I have been worried that there
were two babies, but I have had numerous ultrasounds and I have always been told
that there is just one. So hopefully in a few days we will know if it is a boy or a girl, and
if there is one or two.
I think that we finally have the house ready for the baby, we have the crib up and
all the gender neutral clothing washed and put away , so now we just wait. It feels
like all I do is wait and wait and every time I go to the doctor and he says we will
see you again next week I want to cry. I am ready to have this baby. Maybe this
week will be the week.
Well, since all I have done is ramble on and on and on, I will sign off for today and
hopefully you will hear from me again sooner rather than later.
BBQ turkey and lots of yummy salads ( the best part about summer the BBQ
and salads). Then they boys played and the rest of us just sat around
and talked and talked, before I knew it, it was 7:00. I could not believe
where the day had gone. It was great to sit and catch up with mom, grandma,
Stephanie, and dad. It was a great day with not a wasted moment. I can't
wait till next year!!
Since the 4th it seems like time is just flying by. I have been to the doctor a
couple of times and I can't believe that we could have the baby any day now.
I am beyond ready and extremely excited. We can't wait. Every day I think that
I can't get any bigger, but I feel like I just keep growing and growing. We are so
excited to see if we will be welcoming another little boy or a little girl. I don't know if
I will be able to go through another pregnancy without finding out. It has been fun and
the excitement is great, but I am ready to know what this little bundle of joy is going
to be. The other day Max was laying by me and he popped up and started to rub
my belly and said,"Mom, what are we going to name the little boy?" The whole
time that he has known we were going to have a baby he has said that it is a little
girl, so needless to say I was a little shocked at this. I said to him,"what little boy?"
he continues to rub my belly and says, "the little boy up here, this baby down by
your belly button is Emma, but what are we going to name the little boy?" I was
a little nervous at this point. Since I got pregnant I have been worried that there
were two babies, but I have had numerous ultrasounds and I have always been told
that there is just one. So hopefully in a few days we will know if it is a boy or a girl, and
if there is one or two.
I think that we finally have the house ready for the baby, we have the crib up and
all the gender neutral clothing washed and put away , so now we just wait. It feels
like all I do is wait and wait and every time I go to the doctor and he says we will
see you again next week I want to cry. I am ready to have this baby. Maybe this
week will be the week.
Well, since all I have done is ramble on and on and on, I will sign off for today and
hopefully you will hear from me again sooner rather than later.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Here goes nothing !
Well I have finally gotten around to working on our faimly blog that friends and family have been asking me to do for quite some time. I don't know how often it will be updated or if there will be anything of any interest to anyone, but we will see what we can do.
Max wants to be outside or swimming all the time. Being almost 9 months pregnant I am not so keen on the idea of being outside in this HOT HOT weather, so we are always glad when daddy gets home to take him outside or jogging at night. Max is also really into building and distructing. He always has a hammer and a screw driver and is ready to fix anything that might or might not need fixing. He is a blast to have around. How boring life would be without him here to keep us busy and in line. He loves to let us know when we have said words or things that we are not suppose to say and sometimes he just wants me to stop talking so he tells me that I am not to say any words. Oh, the joys of a 3 year old attitude.

Max is very excited for the baby. Every day he asks me if the baby has come out of my belly yet and when I tell him no he wants to know when it will be here. He loves to talk to the baby and let it know what is going on. There is always a good morning and good night with a few I Love You throughout the day I am sure that he/she will know the sound of big brothers voice and of course his SCREAM. I wonder if it is just the age because sometimes he has only one volume and it is extremely loud. Well, we will leave it at that for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Max wants to be outside or swimming all the time. Being almost 9 months pregnant I am not so keen on the idea of being outside in this HOT HOT weather, so we are always glad when daddy gets home to take him outside or jogging at night. Max is also really into building and distructing. He always has a hammer and a screw driver and is ready to fix anything that might or might not need fixing. He is a blast to have around. How boring life would be without him here to keep us busy and in line. He loves to let us know when we have said words or things that we are not suppose to say and sometimes he just wants me to stop talking so he tells me that I am not to say any words. Oh, the joys of a 3 year old attitude.

Max is very excited for the baby. Every day he asks me if the baby has come out of my belly yet and when I tell him no he wants to know when it will be here. He loves to talk to the baby and let it know what is going on. There is always a good morning and good night with a few I Love You throughout the day I am sure that he/she will know the sound of big brothers voice and of course his SCREAM. I wonder if it is just the age because sometimes he has only one volume and it is extremely loud. Well, we will leave it at that for now. Thanks for stopping by.
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