no good news. I am still hugely pregnant.
Needless to say I was a little dissappointed, but
a little dissappointment every now and then is
good i suppose. Atleast that is what I keep telling
myself. I also keep thinking that as long as I am
pregnant I can keep eating whatever I want, and I
know that that is a bad attitude to have but who cares.
Maybe next week will be the week or anytime between
now and my next dr. appointment. I will keep you posted.

We buzzed Max's hair the other night and Dallas got it a
little shorter than I expected and was quite shocked. I
told Dallas that he looks so much older and grown up.
I can't believe that it has been almost 3 years. Where has the time
I was talking to Dallas the other day and I can't believe that
it has been 2 years since we moved from small town Utah to
the BIG city. They have been two great years. I think it
was the best thing that we could have done and I am so
glad that we did. It was hard at the time but so worth it.