Where has the time gone. I really suck at this blogging thing the last
while. I can't believe that Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, New
Years, and Martin Luther King Day have come and gone. Where oh
where has the time gone. My baby is 6 months old. My baby boy
started pre-school. I started a new job. :( :)
We have done a lot in the last 3 months.
Max, daddy and I went to Disney on Ice. It was great fun. Max loved
it. My camera took a crap and died on the way. I didn't know until
4 weeks later when I went to download pictures and not one of them
worked. I did not have pictures on Disney on Ice, Thanksgiving,
Me Maw and Grandpa Kelly's kids Christmas Party, or Grandma Mellor's
Christmas party. I was not a happy camper to say the least.
If I had known that my camera had decided to join the land of no longer
working electronics, I could have gotten a new one at a great price on ta
day after Thanksgiving sale, but i didn't so on Christmas Eve I was at
wal-mart trying to find just a camera that would take pictures.
Every camera that I wanted they were sold out of. What the heck, this
is wal-mart on Christas Eve and you don't have 90% of your cameras.
Man I don't like wal-mart on Christmas Eve. Well, now that I have vented
much too long about my camera and you would thing that we had, had
a world altering event, I will move on to something else.
The day after Thanksgiving we moved. We said Good bye to West Jordan, Utah
and made our way south. It was a hard move and we miss our house, but
it was done with great faith and dreams of better days once daddy is through
school. Man when will that be??
We had some amazing Christmas Parties with close and distant family. It is
always great to get together and visit and reminisce. We had my parents kid's
Christmas Party and it was fun, pinata and all. The kids got way too much candy
and made way too many Cookies. We had great food. We always have great food.
We had Grandma Mellor's Christmas get together and it was great. We all met
at Golden Corral and ate way tooo much food.
We got together at Mike and Michelle's a few days before Christmas and exchanged
gifts. It was a blast and the food was great. Thanks Mike. Oh, and thank you too Michelle. :)
We love you Michelle.. The kids got entirely too many presents and I thought
that was no longer any need for Santa to visit a few days later, but of course he did.
Christmas was great. We spent it in our new home and it came and went so quickly.
I never really got into the Christmas spirit and before I knew it, it was gone.
New Years was uneventful. We spent time together, just our little family,and it
was great.
I started a new job the first part of January, so Dallas can go back to school. I love
my job, but it is hard being away from the kids. Sometimes I feel like I am missing
out on their lives. Sometimes I wonder if it is worht it, but once we are through
school and we look back on it, I am sure we will be glad that we did it. The kids
are young enough I hope they will not be ruined for life.
Life is good and on we go. I will get some updated pictures on in a few days.
10 years ago